Curated Collections

The Open Science and Data Platform (OSDP) provides access to important information like scientific research papers, datasets, regulatory information, and curated content collections. These collections are focused on regions of interest and topics related to the human and natural environment, such as biodiversity, air, water, and climate, among others.

Content collections are created through a collaborative process with subject matter experts in accordance with pre-determined relevancy criteria. In other words, individual datasets and publications are identified from the Platform’s catalogue where they are relevant both from a geographic and topical standpoint. The collections provide a starting point to assessing cumulative effects in regions of interest by providing access to a curated suite of data and information.

Curated collections can support communities that are conducting research and can also support Regional Assessments undertaken under the federal Impact Assessment Act. For example, the Northern Ontario content collection was created to provide relevant information useful to inform the Ring of Fire Regional Assessment.

Read more about how and why curated collections were created on the OSDP.

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